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Supplements for Vertigo Relief in Jackson Township, NJ

The Best Supplements for Vertigo Relief | Chiropractor for Vertigo in Jackson Township, NJ

Hi, I’m Dr. Rona Thau and I’m one of your chiropractors here at Intrinsic Chiropractic in Jackson Township, New Jersey. Today I’m going to continue on we’re Dr. Jody left off talking about vertigo or sometimes called cervicogenic vertigo when you get dizzy, and dizziness can be caused from a number of reasons it can be caused from having a cold, or a flu or a virus it can be caused from having some kind of a neck injury.

Vitamins, Minerals and Essential Oils to Help Your Vertigo Symptoms

Vertigo can be caused from having deposits in your inner ear that wreak havoc because by a disease called Menieres disease, which usually causes ringing and dizziness on one side. In addition to adjusting your spine which helps to regulate your nervous system and integrate your head and your eyes and your ears and every single function of your body. We also work with the physiology of your body, meaning that sometimes dizziness can be caused from a lack of a proper nutrient or something in your body. Some of the nutrients that have been proven to help with dizziness are vitamin D, and calcium. And we use supplements here that are specifically specifically designed for chiropractors. It’s a wonderful brand called standard process. They’re made from food. They’re not all natural supplements and we can utilize these we also in addition to vitamin D and calcium, ginkgo biloba is an herb as well as ginger root that can be used to help combat dizziness. Some of these actually deal with nausea and as well as ringing in your ears and supporting your body. The other thing that we do here as well as nutritional supplements and nutrients, adjusting your spine, we work with essential oils and some essential oils because as you smell in these naturals fragrances can help to minimize dizziness. Some of the oils that we use for that are peppermint, of course, ginger, lavender, and lemon.

So if you or anyone you know is suffering with dizziness, tell them to make an appointment here. Give us a call at Intrinsic Chiropractic in Jackson Township, New Jersey, and we’d love to see you and help you with your dizziness. That’s all for now and Dr. Thau. We’ll see you next time!

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