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Natural Ear Infection Treatment in Jackson Township, NJ

Ultimate Natural Ear Infection Treatment | Pediatric Chiropractor in Jackson Township, NJ

This is Dr. Jodi Kinney here at Intrinsic Chiropractic. So today I’m going to show you how we adjust young kids in care. So this is my patient, Geo. He was having a lot of congestion, sinus congestion and ear infections and we’re actually able to avoid getting tubes in his ears with adjustments with natural treatment.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

So I’m going to show you how I adjust him today. All right, so here we go. We’re gonna start at the bottom, and he’s a little off on that left side. So the tables gonna lift up and drop down like this. There we go. Big deep breath in and then blow all that air out. Awesome. One more, I got a little popcorn in there. Okay, now you’re gonna turn on your side and face me this way. We’re going to have him cross his arms like this. And leg up now with a little pressure on here. Go ahead and go the other way now, that one was good. So we adjust full spine with kids because the spine starts at the skull and goes all the way down the back. So we want to make sure everything is all cleared out. Go ahead now, legs straight out. Now with kids, you’ll need a lot of pressure to adjust the upper neck spine because those bones are not bone yet. They’re all cartilage. So we just use a little tiny crusher, and a little bit of movement.That helps to open up all the pathways from the nerves that feed into the inner ears, sinuses, nose and throat.

That’s our natural way without a surgery!

Intrinsic Chiropractic

Intrinsic Chiropractic Is Located Near You In Jackson, NJ. Ask About Our New Patient Special! Dr. Kinney Uses A "Whole Person Approach". Get To The Root Cause Of Pain. TMJ Pain. Ear Infections. Bulging Disc Injury. Back Pain. Headaches & Migraines. Seasonal Allergies.