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How Chiropractic Care Eliminates TMJ in Jackson Township, NJ

Hi there, Dr. Kinney here, your chiropractor for TMJ in Jackson Township, NJ.

Okay, so today I’m going to show you how we treat, one of the ways that I treat TMJ dysfunction

and address the soft tissue components, the subluxations, and actually working with what we call an activator.

This is how I actually adjust the TMJ here in Jackson Township, NJ.

So, the three main areas of the muscles that I address, actually four, are the muscles in the face here, the masseters, the digastric muscles. We’re going to go right over the muscular ligament, the muscular joint, over the actual TMJ, and then the temporalis muscles up in the head.

So when a patient has TMJ problems, they typically are clenchers or grinders and it overworks all the muscles in the head and the face and the jaw and part of the neck.

So we need to strip these muscles out to kind of loosen everything up.

And that’s part of the plan whenever any of my chiropractic patients come in with TMJ dysfunction.

Chiropractic for TMJ in Jackson Township, NJ

So what you’re going to do is you’re going to open up. And close. Open. And close. Open. We’re just going to keep doing this.

And there’s three sections of masseter muscles in the face. So we’re going to address all three areas.

Keep going, open. And open. Last one.

And now we’re going to go down to the neck. Open.

So these sometimes are painful in here because a lot of jaw pain actually comes in this lower part of the jaw and into the neck.

Open. Close. Open. Close. Open. Good, and then, open, temporalis muscles are always real, real tight.

TMJ Causes from Your Chiropractor in Jackson Township, NJ

A lot of my chiropractic patients who have TMJ problems in Jackson Township, NJ get headaches or tension headaches because they grind and clench and it uses, overworks, these muscles.

There you’re going to open for me. I’m going to use the activator now. And this is going to just go on the angle of the jaw to adjust the jaw.

Good. Now the other way. Same thing. Into the angle of the jaw.

And then of course we want to adjust the next subluxation.

So if there’s any misalignments or problems with motion in the neck, we’re going to adjust that too.

Come on back. Awesome.

I also built in stretching and other exercises for the patients to actually do on their own at home.

But these are the most important things that I do for my chiropractic patients who have TMD or TMJ dysfunction in Jackson Township, NJ.

You have to address the soft tissue components. You have to address the subluxations, or the spinal components.

Making sure you get better motion and movement and take any of the pressure off the nerves so the body has the best ability to heal on its own.

All right, thanks so much for tuning in.

Intrinsic Chiropractic

Intrinsic Chiropractic Is Located Near You In Jackson, NJ. Ask About Our New Patient Special! Dr. Kinney Uses A "Whole Person Approach". Get To The Root Cause Of Pain. TMJ Pain. Ear Infections. Bulging Disc Injury. Back Pain. Headaches & Migraines. Seasonal Allergies.