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Chiropractor for Disc Injury Pain Relief

Okay. We’re gonna talk today about what we call neuromuscular re-education. It’s a stabilization exercise that helps to support your care in my office. My name is Dr. Kinney, your chiropractor for disc injuries in Jackson Township, NJ.

Disc Injury Treatment Jackson Township, NJ

So as a patient in my office, we always have additional therapies and things that we do if you see my previous video about cervical traction, that’s an exercise we do to help to work on the curve.

One of the exercises we do here helps with holding and what we call core stability and holding your adjustments a little bit better and through what we call neuromuscular re-education. So one of the ways we do that is by using what’s called a Bosu ball or balance ball.

So the goal of this after an adjustment is you’re going to try to stand on this ball without holding on balancing your weight forward and backwards. Looks so easy, right doesn’t look like much. You should see when your back is off and your spine is out of alignment. This is really hard to do.

We re-educate the spine, and the nervous system, and the muscles, and the core, and the legs to get you to be able to balance a whole lot better which is going to get to the hold the adjustments better which is ultimately going to give you healthier and longer outcomes and get your spine nice and healthy. Get through the pain, get everything working the way we want to work.

Chiropractic Disc Injury Therapy Jackson Township NJ

So we do this for neck pain, or middle back pain, lower back pain, disc injuries. Some of my older population who struggled with balance and coordination, they actually get their balance improved just by working with the bosu ball and it only helps to hold your adjustments a little bit better.

So that’s something that you think you need and you would like to have additional therapies and things working with your spine and getting yourself healthy. Then come in, give us a call at Intrinsic Chiropractic. Thanks so much for tuning in. And we’ll see you soon


Intrinsic Chiropractic

Intrinsic Chiropractic Is Located Near You In Jackson, NJ. Ask About Our New Patient Special! Dr. Kinney Uses A "Whole Person Approach". Get To The Root Cause Of Pain. TMJ Pain. Ear Infections. Bulging Disc Injury. Back Pain. Headaches & Migraines. Seasonal Allergies.